Kitten Finds Home in Restaurant After Being Rescued During Typhoon

Now named Gnocchi, the sweet kitty comes to work with the owner and wraps patrons around her little paw.

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Earthquakes, hurricanes, and typhoons can be scary for humans, but for kittens who have no idea what’s happening, they’re probably even worse. When a typhoon hit Taiwan recently, a kitten was so scared that she took to hiding in some bushes near a restaurant. The owner heard her crying, but was unable to locate her — the bushes and the weather likely making it very difficult to see her. However, he continued to look for her daily… until she finally came out from hiding and went to him.

She was fed, given water, and was allowed to stay at the restaurant until she was healthy enough to go home with one of the restaurant’s many patrons.

Things didn’t quite go as planned.

Gnocchi, as she’s now called, was such a well-loved fixture of the restaurant (staff and patrons alike fell for her) that she now lives there. Sort of. The restaurant’s owner is keeping her, but brings her with him to work whenever he wishes.

If you’re headed to Taiwan, be sure to visit the Just Diner restaurant to see Gnocchi in person. In the meantime, check out Just Diner’s Facebook page.

Top photo: Just Diner on Facebook.

Cari Jorgensen

Cari is a former dancer and current dance enthusiast who incorporates all forms of art into her daily life, which includes writing about dogs, cats, and other animals for I-5 Publishing as an assistant web editor. She has an MFA degree in creative writing and has written short stories, poetry, and two novels, which are patiently awaiting revision. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.


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